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Crisis Management

Certainly you know a scene like this:
Feverishly you beaver away on accomplishing your work, because your boss is on your tail. The fone rings. Your son drops by and asks for lunch, and your partner complains that you never have time for her/him.
Today everything has to be managed simultaniously and quickly. In the working world is a strong pressure of competition. Therefore flexibility, speed and multi tasking are highly sought after.
Very often time for relaxation falls by the wayside. The consequences are states of exhaustion.

Because our voice is connected with our emotions, there exists an interaction between voice and mood. We take advantage of this phenomen in our training. Through the active process of the Functional Vocal Training you improve your physical and mental wellbeing. A physiologic breathing vitalizes and relaxes you as well. You find calm and balance and you will regenerate.

Also the Mental Training helps you to dissolve stress. By relaxation techniques you regain your mental balance. Blockades fall off, and you can breathe deeply.

Head of institut: Alexandra von der Weth · 0211.9 46 87 21 ·